MONTGOMERY, Ala., August 29, 2024 – Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama (HMMA) and its team members donated more than $8,000 worth of school supplies and uniform items for Selma City School System students. The uniforms and supplies will help students be dressed for success and ready to learn throughout the upcoming school year.
During the months of July and August, team members descended on local retail stores to purchase more than $700 worth of school supplies and an additional $2,500 worth of uniform items. Team members were given a list of much-needed school supplies as well as uniform color and size guidelines to help them purchase the items for students. Team member purchases cover nearly every stage in a student’s career: from elementary school to middle school and high school. To add to the collection of uniforms, HMMA gave an additional corporate donation of $5,000 worth of uniform items, amounting to a total of $7,500 in uniforms donated to Selma City Schools.
The supplies and uniforms were presented to representatives of Selma City Schools for distribution to local schools and students.
This was HMMA’s 19th back-to-school drive and second drive benefitting Selma City Schools. HMMA’s public relations manager, Scott Posey, said: “HMMA believes in partnerships that increase the quality of life in the River Region. This is especially true of our partnerships with the region’s many public schools like those in Selma. Whether through school supply donations or through STEM and robotics programs, these partnerships aren’t only vital to the success of our young people, but also to HMMA’s long-term success as these partnerships help shape and prepare our young people to one day take advantage of the great careers we have to offer.”
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