Krista Hawkins
Krista Hawkins is a community relations specialist in HMMA’s public relations department. She joined the HMMA team in early 2005 as a contracted HR recruiter, and then became a PR Team Member later that year.
“When I first became a Team Member I was a protocol specialist which meant I gave plant tours and did other projects in the visitor center,” Krista says. “For my very first tour, a group accidentally showed up on the wrong day and the rest of the PR team was at the training center. I was nervous, but I put them on the tram and gave them the best tour I could.”
Over time, Krista’s responsibilities grew to include the administration of HMMA’s community relations activities. In 2007, she officially became a community relations specialist.
“Back then, HMMA had diversity activities separate from community relations activities,” she remembers. “Diversity coordinated activities like Habitat for Humanity while community relations sponsored activities like the Joy to Life Walk for Life.
“When I started in community relations it was my goal to have those two functions working together so that HMMA was sponsoring activities as well as being present for the events. Today, that is a reality and HMMA’s presence in the community is much more visible.”
Krista says over the years HMMA’s community relations initiative has grown exponentially and it’s due in no small part to Team Member involvement.
“Hyundai is a leader in corporate giving in the River Region, and our Team Members are leaders in giving of themselves,” she says. “We are a team both inside and outside HMMA, and our Team Members are amazing at doing good, showing up, and giving back to our community.”