Randy Williams
Randy Williams is a quality process evaluation specialist in the quality assurance department. He has been a Team Member since October 2006.
“When I first started, I was working in body quality control in the CMM lab,” he recalls. “At that time we were building the Sonata and Santa Fe, and we would pull two vehicles a day for quality checks on the coordinate measuring machine (CMM).”
Randy said the machine would have to measure 13,000-18,000 points per vehicle to evaluate body quality, and that was a time consuming process. Over time, that evaluation process evolved and improved.
“The biggest innovation was when we began using laser scanners to scan the parts,” Randy says. “The laser can look at moving parts better than the CMM, and we can even take the laser to the production floor to check things out. Plus, we can let the CMM run while we use the laser scanner elsewhere, increasing the volume of quality checks we can complete.”
In 2013, Randy moved from body QC to the quality evaluation department, which is now called quality assurance. He says over his time here, he’s watched Team Members grow to understand how they can build quality into the cars every day.
“We’ve been doing this a while now, and our Team Members have learned what it takes to build a car and how their process affects the next process and the overall product,” he says. “Everyone has a customer, whether it’s at the next station or the end of the line, and our Team Members really care about sending high quality to their customer.”